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At DuckDuckGo, we believe the best way to protect your personal information from hackers, scammers, and privacy-invasive companies is to stop it from being collected at all. Our search engine doesn’t collect your search history; our browser offers a suite of built-in protections like ad tracker blocking and cookie blocking; and our optional Privacy Pro subscription includes a VPN that prevents websites from collecting your IP address.

Our approach to AI extends this strategy by integrating private, useful, and optional AI features that don’t track how you use them or train on your data. We’re not making AI features just for the sake of it. We believe our AI features will help people get faster, high-quality answers to their questions. However, we recognize not everyone wants AI in their lives right now, which is why all our AI features are optional and can be turned off or tuned down from your search and browser settings.

We currently have two AI features. offers free access to popular chatbots, anonymized by us. AI-assisted answers, previously called DuckAssist, are sourced from the web and appear alongside our traditional search results. AI-assisted answers appear in search results for relevant English-language queries, with prominent links to sources for more information. If you opt to show them “often,” AI-assisted answers should appear in over 20% of search results. AI-assisted answers also include a link to, where you can ask follow-up questions.

Both and AI-assisted answers are free to use and anonymized by us, with no account required.

Prior versions on GitHub.